Monday, July 21, 2008

Five Way to Unlock a toxic friend

this is what i grab from "bulettin post of friendster..

Contrary to the myth of best friends forever, many female friendships don't always turn out the way we hoped they would. The friend who is constantly making one-sided demands of you is one disappointing example.
When a close friend is always in need of one thing or another---money, favors, introductions, coddling, praise, or simply more time than you have to give---the relationship begins to grow weary. You feel like you're walking around with an emotional ball and chain around your ankle.
The term toxic friendship refers to a variety of relationships that are consistently negative and draining. The nature of these relationships is defined by patterns, not by one-time or occasional lapses in the reciprocity that is the essence of a healthy friendship.
Why would anyone put up with a friend like that? It, too, can be explained by the concept of reciprocity. Friendships continue when they are mutually satisfying---even if the relationship is toxic. Many women have a hard time extricating themselves from these relationships. These include:
• People who like to feel needed
• People who feel like they aren't worthy of healthier, more balanced relationships
• People who are stuck---either feeling angry or sorry for their needy friend
Get real: If your truly needy friend has been that way for some time, the real possibilities of changing the relationship verge on hopeless. Yet it's hard to find a way out. Here are some ways to unload:
1) Change the nature of your friendship by learning to say "no" and setting boundaries (e.g. "Even though we are both single, I don't want to spend every Friday night together" or "I can't have dinners with you after work because I need to get home to my family."')
2) Tell her that you have to tend to your own needs (or those of anyone else you can think of---your mother, your kid or your cat)
3) Slip away - Spend less time with her and add other less demanding friends to your inventory
4) Take a relationship sabbatical, a well-deserved hiatus from the friendship
5) If you've reached the point where you feel there is nothing really to lose, simply cut loose!
Get rid of the guilt. These are people whose needs can never be satiated. No matter what you give, what you do, how much, or how often, it will never be enough. Since character tends to endure, this person probably treats other people the same way she treats you. It's likely that many of her friends have probably already dropped out of the picture and that's why she is so dependent on you.

So after reading the post, How is it ??

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Guess.. LiL Short Questions

1. Gw bisa sebel kalo...
* Harus menunggu..aku tipe tak sabaran..

2. Gw bisa nampar orang kalo..
* lagi sensi x ye

3. Gw akan menjadi romantis ketika..
* tiba waktunya... trust me i can..

4. Gw bakalan bolos skul/kul/krj
* tanpa alesan penting

5. Gw akan memberikan hati sepenuhnya untuk..
* diriku sendiri,hahahaha..

6. Gw benci sama org karena...
* sikap yg tdik bijaksana dan mencelakakan org laen karn sifat egois nya..

7. Gw gk suka makan..
* spicy..

8. Gw akan kawin lari bila..
* dunia kiamat,ok?

9. gw cinta mati ama..
* mobilku..

10. Gw benci banget sama..
* org ga tau sopan santun , org ga tau cara merespect org .

11. Gw bs nongkrong berjam-jam di..
* mane2..suka2 gue lo...

12. Gw merasa gk perlu dugem dikala..
* ada loe....

13. Gw memutuskan pacar karena..
* sudah waktunya.. hehehe...

14. Gw akan memikirkan menikah ketika..
* ready donk pasti nya.. gimana sih??

15. Apakah kamu pernah mencintai ?
* mgkn iya mgkn ngak..

16. Apakah kamu mau berubah menjadi orang yg lebih baik krn org yg kamu sayang?
* surely i do..

17. Kamu percaya dengan cinta sejati?
* mm...

18 .Pilih diantara satu:
[ ] mempertahankan seseorang yang kamu cintai tp dia ga bahagia sama kamu,
[ ] membiarkan dia bahagia sama orang lain walaupun kamu sakit hati bgt...
(yg pasti 2nd optionnya bego x lah)

19. Long Distance Relationship?
* lg ngetrend boq

20. Mendingan pacar kamu cuek/cemburuan?
* cemburu tanda sayank... hahahaha..

21. Pernah pacaran sama sahabat baik?
* ngk tuch.. mungkin kah itu terjadi ??

22. Percaya cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan?
* bego..bego..

23. Pernah nggak bisa mengungkapkan perasaan kamu?
* susah susah..

24. Gimana kalo kamu ngeliat orang yang kamu sayang udah punya pasangan?
* mencintai tdk harus memiliki, yg ptg dia bahagia..

25. tempat terakhir yg kamu kunjungi?
* neverland

26. tempat tanggal lahir kamu?
* mao bikin katepe Yah..

27 . mall terakhir yang kamu datangi?
* sun..

28. uang terakhir yg kamu keluarin?
* beli jam tangan esprit

29. tempat yang kamu pengen kunjungi?
* oz..

30. hal terakhir yg kamu lakukan
* termenung..

31. minuman terakhir yg diminum sama kamu ?
* aer putih

32. kapan kamu rela melepas gengsi kamu ?
* if i'm in love with you

33. orang yang kamu pengen temui akhir- akhir ini??
* my long losting friends..where are you ??

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Break Day

My own listing was bein cheated by others marketing. Huhh... Nothing impossible to happen when we're careless / lacking experience through it.. as this is a general case which often occur on the marketing department. all that u can do is "Prevent 'n prevent any negative things ". cause u won't have any radar to remind you. So alweiz be ready for everything.. Like i used to said that " all good or even bad things which happens in the past will train you to be more smart in the future.

Since that all of my friends keep discuss about "IT&b Bachelor degree", i don't really care through it.. He7 ..keep focussing on my own business.. Money is more important . Does it ??

WeLL, miss my secondary school, our great teachers..our great lovely genk and so on...;p. Hey angel..if you're reading my blog pliz leave any comment okay dude..