Sunday, May 13, 2007

Life is A Choice

i started my new job with new position in may..Thank god , u granted my wish..The salary is quite high , my working condition is quite nice. he8x..we can also take a leave to go abroad once a year.. hehe.. so far of that..Dad had already "booking ticket" to china this coming june..we will be there around 2 weeks.. that's will be the great times for us to spent baby...."LIFE IS A CHOICE". first, we never know how god create our will never know when you reach ur success ..all that we can do right now is keep doing the best as we can.. searching more experience for us to build our level of ingenuity. , be open minded to learn new things as more as we can .. who knows from that newly things you will find new idea for present.. Your decision you make today can affect your life in future..

continue later...

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