Friday, April 11, 2008

GraDuaTioN PicTur3

Our Graduation Picture was Taken on 18 th march 2008 at MuTiara BridaL SaLoon. It must be CoLLected to IT&b campus Soon.. Eventhough some of us haven't complete our thesis yet..Including Me.....ho.ho .. First i saw all of this pict..i couldn't recognize which is Me..;p

Massachusetts CLuB : From Left to Right : " SaY PeaCe .."> "

  1. Top Row : Vincent_Stevens , WinDa , SurYani , MeiLiaNa , FeNnY , JennY , Firsandy_Pinardy.
  2. MiddLe Row : WeLLy Nico CiTra , DarWin , Teddy , VendY , Leo_DarWis , RidWan , Dennie , JoHan_SaLim .
  3. BoTTom Row : LinDaWaty , ELLy , MeiIn , NoVy_Sie , Soviana_Than , Vin_Vin .

Massa' Sweet Memory :

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