Saturday, August 4, 2007

My dayz..

We plan to join "Tennis @ cemara.. 1 months 150.000 rupiahs 3 times a's around one hour per exercises..May be my colleague will accompany too..She's collecting some friends to join us life being chance a little bit since i got job , we're not willing to have so many free time to spent again ..being absence to Sun Plaza, being absence to closefriend's house , being absence for saloon, being absence to shopping n so many things.. . When you reached home you feel tired 'n lazy to going somewhere again , you will miss your bedcover whenever you're in office..hahahaha...i ask some friends opinion 'bout all of thiz.. and they said it was normal.. if you wanna continue your job so pliz keep adapt ur situation OR otherwise you can retire from your job 'n go back ur normal life babe..ho.ho..

As i heard we 1st generation student will finish our lecture in the end of this year..May be we will start to do our "tesis" this coming september..hehehe..i don't want to graduateee....Being Mature isn't nice...Nowadays people focuses searching more .. & more.. money to fullfil their finance..Neither do I....

As for my work .., Emm..i think this month will lack of customer coming to buy house cause our bos increase price of each house quite each house price jump around 20 to 40 millions rupiahs..may b Society get shocked 4 it emm but it will stabil a few months later...;p..

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